A task represents an individual action item. Tasks can also be part of a project or another task as subtask.
Tasks are identified by a UUID and are represented by the following fields in our public API:
"uuid": "", # The unique identifier of the item
"workspace_uuid": "", # The unique identifier of the workspace
"project_uuid": "", # The unique identifier of the project
"title": "", # The title of the item
"description_json": [], # The description of the item in JSON format
"due_date": "", # The due date of the item
"creator": {}, # The creator of the item
"assignee": {}, # The assignee of the item
"subscribers": [], # The list of subscribers to the item
"task_labels": [], # The list of task labels associated with the item
"custom_values_hash": {} # Custom values associated with the item
Fetches an existing task for the currently authenticated user
"uuid": "81e56526-9284-4e5c-b700-d8a096560cde",
"project_uuid": "53dcb3f5-539e-4d2e-9143-009e1b01ef01",
"workspace_uuid": "9620cdee-09d5-4d88-a706-18ef8b945381",
"title": "Find location",
"description_json": null,
"due_date": null,
"creator": {
"uuid": "53dcb3f5-539e-4d2e-9143-009e1b01ef01",
"first_name": "Yukihiro",
"last_name": "Matsumoto",
"assignee": null,
"subscribers": [],
"task_labels": [],
"custom_values_hash": {}
Creates a new task
curl --request POST \\
--url <https://api.risecalendar.com/v1/tasks> \\
--header 'Authorization: Bearer TOKEN' \\
--data '{
"title": "Find location",
"project_uuid": "53dcb3f5-539e-4d2e-9143-009e1b01ef01",
"workspace_uuid": "9620cdee-09d5-4d88-a706-18ef8b945381",
"assignee_uuid": null,
"description": null,
"due_date": null
"title": "Find location", # The title of the task
"project_uuid": "53dcb3f5-539e-4d2e-9143-009e1b01ef01", # Nullable. Project of the task
"workspace_uuid": "9620cdee-09d5-4d88-a706-18ef8b945381", # Nullable. Workspace of the task. If none is provided we use the default workspace
"task_template_uuid": "6e096e20-e79c-4e36-90ab-6ed05a5bb12c", # Nullable. Optional task template to apply on the new task
"assignee_uuid": null, # Nullable. UUID of ther assigned user
"description": null, # Nullable. Text description of the task
"due_date": null, # Nullable. Due date of the task. E.g. `2024-12-31`
"uuid": "81e56526-9284-4e5c-b700-d8a096560cde",
"project_uuid": "53dcb3f5-539e-4d2e-9143-009e1b01ef01",
"workspace_uuid": "9620cdee-09d5-4d88-a706-18ef8b945381",
"title": "Find location",
"description_json": null,
"due_date": null,
"creator": {
"uuid": "53dcb3f5-539e-4d2e-9143-009e1b01ef01",
"first_name": "Yukihiro",
"last_name": "Matsumoto",
"assignee": null,
"subscribers": [],
"task_labels": [],
"custom_values_hash": {}